10 Brilliant Ideas For Your Essay: How To Write An Excellent Paper

Whether you are applying to an Ivy League college or one in your own community, the essay portion of your application is vital. It not only lets you introduce yourself to the administration board but it can speak volumes about your personality, education and sensibilities. However, coming up with a topic can be stressful. Check out these 10 brilliant ideas from My Essay Geek for your essay to help get those creative juices flowing.

Personal Essays

Personal essays are a great way of sharing a moment or time in your life that had a great significance or impact on you. It allows the reader to catch a glimpse of who you are or the person you have the potential of becoming. The topics in this category are vast and include;

  • A moment that changed who you are
  • What the world will be like a hundred years from now
  • A right or wrong choice in your life
  • A book that made a great impact on your lif
  • If you could have a do-over

When writing a personal essay be sure to be honest and don’t over exaggerate your accomplishments. Present yourself as an individual, someone who stands out from the thousands of other applicants. And most importantly, be likeable. The college is looking for students that will fit in and enhance their campus, not become a nuisance.

Argumentative Essays/Persuasive Essays

The world is full of controversy so a good argumentative/persuasive essay can show your thoughts in a unique and powerful way. Before you begin writing this type of essay, be sure to research out your chosen topic. Collecting all the facts before you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard is vital to keeping yourself on track and presenting a logical “argument.” Some hot argumentative/persuasive topics can include;

  • When or should testing on animals be used?
  • Should polygamy be legalized?
  • Is plastic surgery destroying or enhancing beauty?
  • What do you think about gay marriage?
  • Prove that blondes really are smart

The keys to an effective argumentative/persuasive essay is to present your facts, defend your point-of-view and conclude in a logical manner, not an emotional standpoint.

Regardless of what topic you choose to write about be sure to stay on topic, watch the mechanics of writing and the natural flow of your essay. Nothing would be worse than having a fantastic topic, then losing out because your essay did not have a clear direction. And most of all (and perhaps the most difficult) is to relax and have fun with it. Finding your passion for a topic or one you can directly relate to will make your writing task easier and far more rewarding.